The Grawlix is a monthly alternative-comedy showcase in Denver, Colorado written by and starring hilarious Denver comedians Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl, and Ben Roy. This Web Series mockuments the behind-the-scenes lives of the comics while they plan their monthly show. Keep an eye on for a new episode every month.

Watch all the monthly episodes below, and check out The Grawlix website
1. Introductions
Adam Cayton-Holland, Andrew Orvedahl and Ben Roy, the forces behind Denver's best (and only) alternative comedy show, come by the studio for a meeting. After signing a contract that allows us to document the behind-the-scenes efforts of their monthly show, Team Grawlix immediately realizes they may have made a mistake.
2. Waiting for... Anyone.
After a successful trip to out to Los Angeles, Ben returns home with the industry hot on his heels. When Andrew and Adam learn that the Hollywood star-makers might be in attendance at their show, they'll stop at nothing for a chance at fame.
3. The Party - Pt. 1
A beautiful comedy fan threatens to throw The Grawlix crew into a tailspin.
4. The Party - Pt. 2
A beautiful comedy fan threatens to throw The Grawlix crew into a tailspin.
5. Antiques
Adam and Andrew decide to throw Ben a "welcome back to the single life" party to help get his mind off the divorce.
6. Miller Time
Stand up comic and actor TJ Miller visits The Grawlix boys, only to be forced into a "Denver-off" to determine who is more "Mile High."
7. Open Mic
After discovering an unwelcome guest working with the Nix Bros, the gang takes the mic into their own hands.
8. Misery Loves Company
When food poisoning waylays Adam and Ben, Andy is forced to handle a huge meeting with Symbiotic Management by himself.
9. Stalk On
When Adam earns the attention of a stalker, Ben and Andy are forced to extricate him from the situation.
10. Tommy Who?
Adam and Andy look after Ben's half-brother while Ben tries to patch things up with Crystal.
11. Three Dummies and a Baby
Violence ensues after an unexpected package shows up at Adam's door.
12. Contract High
It's the last day of the contract The Grawlix signed with the Nix brothers, and the guys are ready to walk.
BONUS EPISODE filmed when Ben and Adam were out of town. The guys were then surprised with the video at the following month's Grawlix show at the Bug Theatre.

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